Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Niche - Coca-Cola Recipes

So far Coca-Cola soft drinks become favorite beverage product of many people. Starting from children to adults, choose soft drinks with these unique flavor to accompany when relaxed or during religious festivities. But, outside the company, does anyone know the recipe to make this drink? What are the materials used to make Coca-Cola, a company secret.

However, now Coca-Cola company could fire beard. Based on news reported by the online pages of The Telegraph, Tuesday (15/02/2011), website claiming to find the secret recipe for making Coca-Cola with the same flavor as it is marketed.

How could the mystery about the drinks taste typical recipes are formulated by a pharmacist, John Pemberton, in 1886 it could be discovered by the manager of the website?

Reportedly, the list of prescriptions obtained from a photograph in the article the Atlanta Journal-Constitution February 8, 1979 edition. It showed a person who holds a recipe book open. The recipes were expressed as a replica of the recipe as it is owned by Pemberton. In fact, the material and the amount used to make Coca-Cola beverages, shown in the photo.

According to The Telegraph, based on the contents of the article the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, contains step-by-step recipes and ingredients used to mix drinks Coca-Cola. Secret ingredient is a united whole that must exist in the manufacture of Coca-Cola and called a secret formula, namely Merchandise 7X. Although the formula used in the manufacture of only one percent of the beverage, Merchandise 7X could produce carbonated soft drink with a distinctive taste.

During this time, the official recipe that contains the formula for making Coca-Cola beverages are stored in a vault in one place in Atlanta, Georgia. Vault security guards reportedly kept for 24 hours straight.

Here's That Secret Recipes (based on the findings of the attached version of The Telegraph):

Fluid Extract of Coca three DRAMs USP
Citric acid 3 oz
Caffeine 1oz
Sugar 30 (it is unclear from the markings what quantity is required)
Water 2.5 gal
Lime juice 2 pints 1 QRT
Vanilla 1oz
Caramel 1.5oz or more to color
7X flavor (use 2oz of flavor syrup to 5 gals)
Alcohol 8oz
20 drops Orange oil
30 drops lemon oil
Nutmeg oil 10 drops
Coriander 5 drops
Neroli 10 drops
Cinnamon 10 drops

For those who enjoyed a drink Coca-Cola and happy to racik-dispensing beverage ingredients, good luck. Who knows you blend drinks taste the same as that made by John Pamberton.

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