Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Niche - HSDPA Modem Speed ​​Indicator

When I was given the opportunity to test the speed of access and HSDPA modem data transfer, there are several reasons that sometimes the users still do not know why the internet connection was very slow. For HSDPA modem product I have ever tried that Telkomsel FLASH with congenital HUAWEI Modem Telkomsel and Indosat IM2 Broom with Huawei modem with modem purchase separately from the product of Indosat.

Claims of Telkomsel that HSDPA modem data transfer speeds up to 3.6 Mbps. This is true, but keep in mind is not certainly we get the exact same speed 3.6 Mbps. Here are some you probably will not get maximum results:

1. Quality Network (signal received)
To obtain optimal results, can be obtained if the quality of the network or the signal received by the modem goes well, aka full-bar. For that, we should not be in a room that has a lot of interference, such as in thick-walled building. In addition, the distance and the interference between 3G base stations and 3.5 G networks greatly affect the quality we get. If you ever tried to access, then look at the status of "Signal" will see a bar that shows how well the quality of the received signal. Sometimes the connection is unstable so that it appears the status of UMTS and HSDPA sometimes. Indeed we can expect the status of HSDPA connections, but this is how the modem HSDPA network which automatically detects the existing data on the frequency. If you happen to get a HSDPA connection, the modem will automatically try to connect to HSDPA which have a higher speed. If the existing UMTS networks, the modem will be connected with a maximum speed of 384Kbps. Even if the star-crossed, perhaps the status of the GPRS connection speed is like dial-up modem is 56Kbps.

2. Coverage (Coverage)
No less important is the range that can be obtained by appropriate coverage of each type of modem connection. For example if you are lucky to access the Internet in the coverage area of ​​technology HSDPA (3.5G) so you can get high speed. If you are getting away with HSDPA coverage can be reached, then you will get a connection UMTS (3G), EDGE, or GPRS.

3. Number of customers accessing
This is what causes us upset, that is more and more customers are accessing at the same time, it also decreases the data transfer rates we earn. Why is that? because of 3G or HSDPA technology uses a system of "shared" that bandwidth is shared equally with customers who are connected at that moment. So much better and more kenceng speed of access if the access in the morning, for example, at 4 or after Fajr.

4. Type the volume and type of data
Did you ever copy the file where a single compressed file size 10Mega then the other one folder whose contents a lot of files with size 10Mega too? what happens when you copy the flash? results longer an uncompressed is not it? This is the analogy on which the 3G/HSDPA connection to access the connection type FTP (File Transfer Protocol) or to download / upload files and streaming faster than you are just browsing using the HTTP protocol (HyperText Transfer Protocol). Chances are we do not get the maximum speed for browsing because it is not necessary to perform high speed data access through HTTP protocol.

5. Another possibility again.
Make no mistake, if there is another possibility which we are often unable to access the internet with decent speed in order. Many things can affect why our internet connection is slow.  

Here are the possibilities:

a. The existence of a virus / trojan / worm that exist on a computer system.
The possibility of a virus / trojan / worm or even a backdoor on the computer system will greatly affect internet access. For example, worm outbreaks or Kido or Downadup Conficker which automatically would overload the network and behave strangely. I myself had handled an infected computer cleaning Conficker where the victim can not access antivirus websites, there is a message Generic Host Process (GHP) Error, windows services that can not be run like Automatic Updates, Background Intelligent Transfer (BITS) and Windows Defender disabled by the worm. In addition, if you handle a computer server, then your admin password will be tried hundreds or even thousands of times to be cracked by brute force attack method. Be careful of your internet connection is slow due to the act of malicious code. Make sure you patch or update some of the critical security issue by microsoft so that the vulnerabilities can be patched. Install a firewall as your patrons with the Internet and make sure that the antivirus is always up-to-date.

b. The default setting connection from windows that have not been optimized.
For the default setting from windows itself is actually very much that needs to be optimized. You can try some third party software (3rd party) to optimize the connection. For example to download use IDM (Internet Download Manager) - Orbit Downloader or the other. To speed Internet connection can also use the application or the Speed ​​Connect Internet Accelerator TweakMASTER. To optimize the TCP / IP you can use tools from the SG TCP / IP Optimizer.

c. Your browser is not configured in a similar number of parameters that can increase data transfer speeds.
There have been many articles or discussion topics that peeling-out how to boost the performance of the browser. For I have ever tried the famous browser Mozilla Firefox which the setting is in the address "about: config", modified in part network.http.proxy.pipelining, Network.http.pipelining, Network.http.pipelining.maxrequests, dword additional value namely "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" zero filled. and many other options.

Finally, hopefully you can enjoy access faster 3G by knowing the various problems that can slow the 3G/HSDPA internet connection.

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