Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Niche - Nuclear Radiation Effects On The Human Body

The disaster was the earthquake initially followed by a tsunami in Japan, now turned into a horror of nuclear radiation disaster. March 15, 2011, Prime Minister of Japan Naoto Kan issued an appeal for people who are in a radius between 20 to 30 Kilometers from the location of nuclear reactors in Fukushima, stay in the house, "increased danger of nuclear radiation", PM Kan reminded, as in the release by Kyodo News.

Weekend (19/03/2011), Japan's Health Minister announced that the radiation level over the normal limit of acceptable start detected in milk products manufactured in the territory of certain vegetables in Fukushima and Ibaraki, as published in the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA .)

Potential nuclear radiation disaster is not kidding. A story in the New York Times said, it is said to spread tovarious regions outside of Japan even up to the United States and Mexico.

With the threat of danger is, of course, not a few among us who wonder: what kind of effects that can actually posed for our body when exposed to nuclear radiation?

A Russian site, Ria Novosti, today published an interesting chart that explains what happens to the human body exposed to nuclear radiation. According to this information, the worst thing that could happen is:

     * The death of a massive body cells

     * The growth of cancer cells

     * The occurrence of gene mutation

Here is the information :
How the three effects above occur?
Tapah-1. Ionization produced by a relatively strong radiation to form free radical formation [of atoms and molecules without electron] in the cell body.
Phase-2. Any free radicals will try to take the electron [which does not exist in him] from the ties that exist in the vicinity, giving rise to the formation of free radical reactions in sequence.
Phase-3. Integrity of cells and DNA molecules having irregularities.
Effects of nuclear radiation exposure vary according to radiation dose [in units of absorbed] received by the body, as follows:

* 0.007 to 0002, the normal dose that can be accepted by the body per year

* 0.05, the maximum dose that can be accepted by the body per year.

* 0.1, degree to which the mutated gene probably doubled.

* 0:25, single dose which is usually used as a determinant of the risk of an emergency.

* 1.0, dosisi that cause acute pain due to radiation

* 3 ~ 5, Without treatment, 50% of people exposed to radiation in this dose will die within 1 to 2 months due to abnormalities of bone marrow cells.

* 10 ~ 50, the deaths occurred within 1 to 2 weeks mainly due to the injury to the system 'Gastrointestinal'.

* 100, Death will occur within several hours to several days due to damage to the central 'nervous system'.
How do I neutralize the radioactive substance that goes into our bodies?
According to Professor Division of Nuclear Reactor Physics Studies Program, Bandung Institute of Technology, Su'ud Zaki, one of the radioactive substances that enter the body is iodine-131. These compounds attack the thyroid gland and can cause cancer.
The way to neutralize it is to eat iodine in large quantities, such as the Japanese government provided for residents in the vicinity of radiation. More and more iodine is consumed, the concentration of iodine-131 in the thyroid gland will be reduced so that the possibility of these substances are absorbed by the body become smaller.
Could Nuclear radiation until down to Indonesia?

"[D] epala Nuclear Power Supervisory Agency (Bapeten) As Natio Lasman Indonesian ensure safe from radiation. Bapeten been measuring levels of radioactivity in Tomohon, North Sulawesi, which is the closest distance with the Japanese. As a result, there was no radiation effect. "Air quality is counted properly. There was no influence of radiation, "says As Natio to VIVAnews."

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