Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Niche - Music Lessons for Children

The world is always filled with music activities from formal events to non-formal events, both private events and public events, everything can not be separated from the music. It proves that music is a fundamental process of human life.

The purpose of music that creates a sense of music which in turn foster creativity as a medium of aesthetic expression said. Musical taste is marked with the growing sense of rhythm, shadow tones, and a sense of harmony.

Increased liking for children is very important so that children have a sense of music (the sense of music). If the first child would have been rather easy to learn. If children like the children will be encouraged to learn naturally. With a growing sense of music, then the child will grow into a graceful man, brave, skilled, independent, and creative.

The purpose of music learning in primary schools is to improve and develop the potential possessed a sense of beauty and appreciation of students through the experience of music.

To conduct music lessons in primary schools with both the teacher must know how membelajarkan music in elementary school children.

Learning music should be adjusted to the level of child development, child preferences, and characteristics of each individual. Learning music performed with greater emphasis on musical experiences for children in order to have the knowledge, understanding and appreciation of music, musical skills, and ultimately grows aesthetic creativity.

The experience is intended as an appreciation of music through activities listen to a song, sing, play music, move to the music, read music so that children get a comprehensive picture of the expression song

Learning music is always pay attention to the parts of musical elements. Emphasis on a musical element can be developed with the election provisions of the model song. Song model used by teachers to be selected from songs that are well known by students as well as new songs that menandung elements of music that will be studied.

Curwen (1816-1880) emphasized that music lessons envisaged in children is not the notation and sound in teaching and learning activities created a situation that must be fun for children.

So learning the music that is not preceded by memorizing the notation or melody, but the first emphasizes the sense of rhythm, a sense of tone to sing with a high low tone exactly and pulse-throbbing pulse correctly.

Learning music is an active activity in the music experience ....

Experience music will provide the opportunity for children to be directly involved in music activities ....

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