Friday, March 25, 2011

Niche - Secrets to Make Delicious Cuisine

Cooking, many who think it is synonymous with women, but now it looks like the man many also explore the field of cooking (cooking style is sleek, stylish Chef in the movie Jhonny Yu Hee The Witch, although it does in the film). So both men and women have a talent for cooking.

In the past, I have always thought the food was delicious expensive food, made by a leading chef and of course the ingredients are ingredients that are difficult to find. But after tasting a wide variety of food (although I never eat food made by famous chef: D), turns out delicious food that is not always synonymous with overpriced, and not all that expensive food was delicious, depending on appetites will enjoy cooking it. A simple example, many people who agree pizza is the food is very tasty, but not for me, that's kind of my least favorite food.

Remembering a friend who would rather eat at home than eating in a cool place to eat for free (if not free can not guessing, he he he). Then when I asked him he answered confidently, "My mother always made a special dish for me, that I could not find food anywhere, because in every dish my mother I can feel his love for me. So even though he's just making fried tempeh, fried tempeh tasted very delicious. "The answer stunned me, he's right, when we sincerely do everything, usually produces a good thing, especially if we do it for the people we love.

Long story short, I started to change the habit of cooking who carelessly (previously, each cooked taste bland) to cook with sincerity, as he thought that would enjoy it are the people I love. And it worked, although not as good as a leading chef cuisine, which is important my father and team krucilku really like each of my cooking. It was no longer flat or losing the sense that I did not know the cause. And it's great fun to see them so happy to enjoy the fruits of my cooking. (One thing that has not been asked, whether they like the food that I made or they are very hungry and there was no other alternative ^ _ ^)

So the secret of making delicious food is love. The love that makes us willing and trying to make the best for the people we love. The Chef's leading also seemed to make delicious dishes out of love (never ask). And I think the most beautiful thing in the world is now seeing people we love happy, happy one moment to enjoy the cuisine of our own making.

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