Friday, March 25, 2011

Niche - Tuberculosis and Malnutrition in Children

TB (tuberculosis) is a disease in society is often synonymous with the problem of malnutrition, slums, or poverty. This not only occurs in adults, but can also occur in children. As a result many feel pride or shame when someone is having this disease. Not only adults who need to be wary of tuberculosis. What's special children should be aware of this disease. This disease can occur in children who suck the air that mengadung TB germs. Some initial symptoms are easy to fall sick child, constantly coughing, or weight loss for no reason.

In contrast to TB in adults, TB in children is not contagious. TB in children, the bacteria multiply in the lungs gland. Thus, the germ is in the gland, do not open. While in adult tuberculosis, the bacteria are in the lungs and make a hole to exit through the airway. So when coughing, splashing saliva will contain germs. These germs are usually inhaled by the children, then get into the lungs. This makes more and more children are infected with TB.

Meanwhile, the problem of malnutrition among children became a very important factor to the occurrence of TB transmission is increased in children. Malnutrition disease even malnutrition not only affects children who live below the poverty line. "Those who could also be affected by this disease. Causes of malnutrition are not limited to poverty. "It could also due to digestive problems which can not absorb nutrition properly,". Children under five malnourished patients are usually accompanied by accompanying diseases such as tuberculosis (TB) and bronchitis. This is certainly not independent of the role of parents where often times the occurrence of malnutrition in children is the reluctance of parents to bring to the neighborhood health center for examination balitanya health development.

According to WHO estimates in 1999, the number of new TB cases in Indonesia is 583,000 people per year and caused the deaths of around 140,000 people per year. WHO estimates that TB is an infectious disease that causes most causes of death in children and adults. The total number of TB cases of children from seven hospitals (RS) Centre d Indonesian education is 5 years (1998-2002) adalah1086 persons with TB with a death rate that varies from 0% -14.1%. Largest age group was 12-60 months (42.9%), while for infants <12 months 16.5% obtained.

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