Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Niche - How to Make Creative Advanced Electronics Letters Similar to Original

Since the growing technology, media communications experience changes in shape of face to face communication (face-to-face) into long-distance communication (Faceless). Similarly, in a world of mailing, usually people use the paper as a medium of communication is now moving to electronic mail (paperless). By using a paperless letter, we can save consumption of wood pulp that became raw material for paper production. In the end, we can reduce the felling of trees in the forest that serves as the lungs of the world. Without forests, we would be deprived of oxygen resulting in death. Therefore, with the sophistication of today's technology, we can use the facilities enough to send a letter with electronic media, such as e-mail, facebook, or sms.

Related to the letter, we make the letter as they pleased. However, many of them want to keep that letter as the original, especially in its present form is really like an ordinary paper letter that we send. One marker that the letter has a resemblance to the original is a sign that we Dab hand at the end of the letter. To create such a letter had been there some special trick I just learned yesterday.

At first, if I wanted a formal letter WHEREOF, I made regular mail using microsoft-office programs and then I print and then I Dab signature. After that I took the scanner to menyecan letter. Be the first letter as I want, namely an official letter signed.

My habit on, it still requires a paper to print the letter. This means the desire to reduce use of paper is still unavoidable. It was only then I know how I can avoid using the printer engine so that I can contribute and maintain the balance of nature around. The trick is as follows.

The first stage I still need to create a single letter as usual on microsoft program. I then create a signature that I can do best in a waste paper. Then, I scan the signature in the form of a picture (image) and I though the program microsoft picture manager. After obtaining a good signature, my signature copy it to my first letter earlier. Be autographed letter like paper letters. There is one more step to maintain the authenticity of the letter so as not to be misused by others, namely by storing data that letter in a PDF file directly from the computer, do not have to be printed and scanned manually. after being stored in a PDF form, be a sophisticated electronic mail is safe and ready to be sent via email attachment. Easy is not it?

This new skill I get when I consult with prof. Souaiaia, University of Iowa, which give direction to me in making a research instrument that was sent to the institutions chosen as respondents. I must make a formal letter signed letterhead Iowa and my research for legitimate and authorized. Recipients will receive a positive impression that I was serious about sending the letter. This is different to the situation when I just send a letter via email. Can be ascertained that the letter would not have letterhead and signature. Finally I was able to make sophisticated letter that according to my research supervisor expectations. Hopefully this experience useful.

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