Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Niche - Healthy Food vs Junk Food

The information below is an email I got from my friend, a lover of fitness. He peyoga true. Woman's age, 55 years old but she looked like 35 years of age. His body was lean, and very flexible. He's agile, like high school kids. I diajarinya some yoga moves and stretching the body when it is pegel-pegel. Here is his email sent to me, which may also be useful for the kompasianers. Happy reading!

Here is the announcement of the World Health Organization (WHO) about the food the best and the worst food. At the symposium to-113 World Health Organization (WHO) to discuss food, exercise and living habits of a new global health strategy. In the new strategy suggests that unhealthy eating patterns are a major cause of the emergence of various kinds of non-infectious disease (not contagious), including several types of cancer.

In a symposium on the WHO recommends the best food group. Covers control your intake and replace saturated fats with unsaturated fats. Many eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, coarse food, etc.. Expect understanding of food / healthy menu to face life's challenges.

1. Best FruitThe order of the best fruits are papaya, strawberry, orange, orange peel, kiwi, mango, plum, persimmon and watermelon.

2. Best VegetableYellow yam is also rich in vitamin anti-cancer efficacy is a major vegetable groups followed by the asparagus, lettuce, broccoli, celery, eggplant, beets, carrots, kolumbi, xuelihong (a type of mustard green), white mustard.

3. Best MeatGoose meat structure is similar to olive oil, beneficial for the heart. Goose meat received the title of the best protein sources.

4. Healthiest food for brain protectionPocai (soinancia oleracea), chives, red pumpkin, onion, cauliflower, peas, tomatoes, carrots, small white cabbage, green onion, celery, he knows, peanut, cashew, tusam seed, apricot seed, soybean, rice coarse / tuton, pig liver.

5. Team / best soupThe best chicken team, especially team hens can prevent flu, sore throat, according to the consumption of winter and spring.

Ten classes junk food (junk food), which WHO announced:

1. Fried food 

This food type is a high calorie content, fat content / oil and high oxide. When consumed regularly can cause obesity, resulting in hyperlipitdema and coronary heart disease. In the process of frying karsiogenik often happens that many substances, which it has been demonstrated tendency of cancer to those who consume fried food is much higher than the no / littlefried foods.

2. Canned food 

Whether in the form of canned fruit or canned meat, nutritional content was much damaged, especially vitamin content was almost entirely destroyed. Moreover protein content has changed in nature to the absorption is slowed. Nutritional value is much reduced. Also a lot of canned fruithigh sugar levels and diasup to the body in liquid form so that the absorption is very rapid. In a short time can cause blood sugar to rise, aggravating the burden pancreas. Along with the high calories, can lead to obesity.

3. Pickled foods

 In the salting process required the addition of salt significantly, where it can lead to a salt content of these foods over the edge, adding to the burden of kidney. For those consuming pickled foods, the dangers of hypertension produced. Especially in the salting process is often added to ammonium nitrite that causes increased danger of cancer of the nose and throat. High salt levels can damage the lining of the stomach and intestines lenders. For those who continuously consume salty foods gastritis and intestinal high probability.

4. Foods processed meat (ham, sausage, etc.) 

In the food group contains nitrite salt can cause cancer, also contain preservatives / dyes etc. aggravating the burden of liver / liver. In ham etc. tinngi sodium levels, consume large amounts can destabilize blood pressure and kidney function burdensome.

5. Food from fatty meats and jerohan 

Although this meal contains good protein, vitamins and minerals but in jerohan fatty meats and saturated fat and cholesterol that have been convicted as a trigger of heart disease. Eating jerohan animals in large quantities and long time can cause pernyakit coronary heart disease and malignant tumors (colon cancer), breast cancer etc..

6. Processed CheeseFrequent consumption of processed cheese can cause weight gain until sugar drah meninggu. Eating cake / cheesecake eating eggs cause less passion. Consumption of foods high in fat and sugar levels often lead to emptying of the stomach. Many cases of hyperakiditas and burning.

7 .. Instant noodles 

Food is classified as high-salt diet, poor in vitamins, minerals. High salt levels cause kidney burden, increase blood pressure and lipids containing trans, aggravating the burden of heart blood vessels.

8. Foods that are baked / burntContain cancer-causing substances.

9. Frozen sweet dish. 

This group includes ice cream, frozen cake, etc.. These groups have 3 problems because they contain high butter that causes obesity due to high sugar levels also reduce the appetite for low temperatures so that affects the intestines.

10. Candied driedContains nitrate salts.

In joining the body produces substances ammonium karsiogenik also contain additional segai Esen damaging the liver and other organs, containing high salt causes high blood pressure and burden the kidneys work.

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